New date!

We are pleased to announce the new schedule for our event on September 21 and 22, 2021!

4th meeting of the "Groupe de Recherche Bio-ingénierie des interfaces" (GDR B2I)

The scientific field of the GDR is centered on the interface between materials and biological environment in the broad sense. The bioengineering of interfaces thus aims at controlling the physicochemical properties at the interfaces of materials in order to control their stealth and specificity: stealth (a term borrowed from nanoparticles but applying here also to massive materials) being defined here as the abilitý not to generate undesirable reactions and specificity being defined here as the ability to generate a desired reaction. The application areas of surface bioengineering range from in vitro biosensors, biochips, microfluidics, biomaterials (implants)... with important stakes in the fields of biomedical, diagnostics, food processing, factory of the future or environmental monitoring… 
Thematic areas

Area 1 - Elaboration of complex biointerfaces: functionalization, printing and nano-structuring

Leaders: Florence Bally-Le Gall (IS2M, Mulhouse) and Souhir Boujdaï (LRS, Paris)
The development of innovative devices or biomaterials in particular for biological applications in fields such as biomedical, biosensing or biofouling requires a precise control of the interactions between biological objects, such as biomolecules, cells or microorganisms for instance, and the surface of the material. The chemical composition of the surface of the material, its physicochemical and physical properties, but also the dimensionality of this surface, in particular its possible structuring at the micro- or even nanometric scale, are essential characteristics for the understanding and control of the interaction mechanisms between the material and its environment ......

Axis 2 - Characterization of biointerfaces, opportunities and perspectives: towards operando characterization and in silico modeling

Leaders: Yann Chevolot (INL, Lyon) and Etienne Dague (LAAS, Toulouse)
Biointerfaces concern many aspects of materials science, biochemistry and biology and, as such, in addition to classical materials characterization techniques, it is necessary to employ/develop techniques for characterizing biointerfaces in physiological or near environmental environments. Another aspect, with the emergence of nanotechnologies, is the ability to perform characterizations, including chemical, with good lateral resolution. To these studies, modeling is added to complete the understanding of the reality of bio-interfaces. Axis 2 will focus on operando characterizations, coupled techniques and modeling.

Axis 3 - Biointerfaces at the heart of medical devices

Leaders: Wilfrid Boireau (FEMTO-ST, Besançon) and Brigitte Grosgogeat (LMI, Lyon)
Biomedical engineering involves passive or active devices that are immersed in complex biological environments. All or part of the components of these devices must be designed either to limit their interaction with the biological matrix or to promote a function.
In a logic of miniaturization and integration of functions, the developments call increasingly for nano and microtechnologies. The architecture of the structures in volume and on the surface plays a crucial role in performance, as do the chemical and biochemical functionalizations of the surface, which lead to very high-tech biointerfaces. 

Axis 4 - Transverse action: A major issue: microorganism/surface interactions

Leaders: Lydie Ploux (INSERM, Strasbourg) and Fouzia Boulmedais (ICS, Strasbourg)
Axis 4 addresses a question that is transversal to the 3 axes "Elaboration", "Characterization and modeling" and "Applications" at both the conceptual and technical levels. At the crossroads of infection control, design and characterization of antimicrobial surface performances or surfaces capable of capturing microorganisms, it responds to the emergence of questions related to microorganisms/materials interactions in the scientific community expert in the field of interfaces. Questions such as "How to design antimicrobial properties? ", "What relationships between physicochemical surface properties and microorganism adhesion? "or "Which surfaces for optimal retention of "positive" biofilms? "are some examples of the topics at the heart of the concerns of this axis.
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